Ali Kazma- Resistance- Turkey
A girl in bondage shaped by a man, male bodybuilders,
beauty docs, tattoo artists, and other body shapers caught the eyes of the
visitors at the Pavilion of Turkey.
Especially the bondage video attracted many visitors.
The five-screen installation 'Resistance' by Ali Kazma
display body-shaping scenes. The images of the videos are metaphors for today's
body consciousness and how the body is controlled by our society with its
scientific, social, and cultural tools (- and I wouldn't exclude fashion
magazines from being tools). Whether the images at the installation
'Resistance' represented esthetical or sexual desires, the body seemed to be
reduced to an (exchangeable) object.
Ancarani – Da Vinci - Arsenale
filmmaker Yuri Ancarani’s “Da Vinci,” a film about a surgery-performing robot
(controlled by a human surgeon) bearing
the name of the Renaissance artist and polymath, takes us inside the landscape
of the human body
Pawel Althamer – Venetians - Arsenale
a polish artist of multiple media known for his willingness to alter his own
state of mind and body for the exploration of deeper realms hidden within his
own psyche.
in collaboration with his father's plastics manufacturing company, cast the
faces and hands of local venetians in plastic before attaching them to bodies
composed of extruded plastic ribbons, to realize that the body is only a
vehicle for the soul.'
Pierre Moliner – Arsenale
photographs, through his photography,
he obscured the line between the sexes and celebrated fetishism and his own
hermaphroditic nature
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